Sandyford Burns Club
2005 Annual Letter.
The ANNIVERSARY DINNER AND BALL will be held on SATURDAY 29th JANUARY 2005 in the SWALLOW HOTEL. BELLAHOUSTON at 6pm for 6.30pm.
The price of the ticket is £27.00 per person and tickets are available from me now.
( Hotel accommodation is available at single £45.00 and double at £65.00 inclusive of full Scottish breakfast and use of the Leisure Club. Please contact the hotel directly if accommodation is required ).
Since my last letter to you the Club is progressing well. We have lost one Director, Mr lan J Scott due to ill health.
We are pleased to welcome to the Board Mrs Margaret McAdam, Mrs Sian Warren and Mr Alistair Doig.
In January of this year the President represented the Club at the annual wreath laying ceremony in George Square.
The last Annual Dinner and Ball was very successful. One hundred and sixty two attended . The Address to the Haggis was given by Mr Cyril Gore., Mr Alex Baird proposed the Immortal Memory. The Toast to the Lassies was by Mr Gordon Wyllie and the reply by Mrs Sian Warren. The Toast to the City of Glasgow was made by the President and the reply by Bailie Alistair Watson. A donation of £150.00 was made to him for the Lord Provost's Children Fund. Dancing followed to John CarmichaeFs Ceilidh Band. This was a most enjoyable evening and the raffle raised £945.00. That same evening the Hon Secretary was presented with a quaich and certificate in recognition and dedication to the Sandyford Burns Club. This was accepted with delight.
In March the Sandyford Trophy was again won by the Garnock Academy at the Ayrshire Music Festival.
At the AGM in April, Mr Douglas Melvin was elected President and Mr John Steele as Vice-President.
In May a Directors' Presentation Dinner was held in The Inn in the Green at which twenty six Directors and partners attended.
This years Summer Outing ,organised by the President, was to Mauchline Museum and the Bums Experience by coach. The last stop was at Brig o' Doon Hotel for an evening meal before heading for home.
In October we held a social evening in Pollokshields Burgh Hall which had a programme of Mr Dick Duncan, recitations, William Lynch, songs, lain and Margaret McLarty on viola, flute and piano. Pipe music by David Watson was followed by supper. There were 57 persons present and the raffle raised £208.00. A most enjoyable event.
Members are reminded that those who fail to acknowledge correspondence from the Directors in two consecutive years will be considered to be lapsed members and while they will not have their name removed from the roll of members, they will cease to receive communications from the Secretary. They will be entitled to be reinstated as full corresponding members if they write to the Secretary confirming that they wish to receive correspondence and also they must confirm their current address.
Dates of future events
11.30 am for 12 noon. Burns Conference at the Mitchell. Saturday 15th January 2005 cost £20 inc light lunch.
Annual wreathlaying ceremony, Saturday 22nd January 2005 George Square.Glasgow
The A.G.M. of the Club, Wednesday 27th April 2005 at 6.00 p.m in Dalmore House. 310 St Vincent Street. 4th floor.
Summer Outing, Sunday 19th June 2005
To be arranged "Soiree" Friday 7th October 2005 venue to be arranged 7 for 7.30 pm.
The President and the Directors look forward to welcoming you to all these events and wish to remind you that your Voluntary Annual Contribution of £5 is due by the date of the Annual General Meeting.
Synopsis of The Annual Report for 2003- 2004.
Wednesday 5th May 2004
There have been six Directors meetings during the year held within Dalmore House, 310 St Vincent Street.
Two new Directors joined the Board - Mr Russell Wardrop and Mrs Pat MacCowan.
Membership at present date stands at 148 persons. Six have joined and we have lost two by death. Past President Alex D Montgomery 1983/84 a staunch supporter of the Club died on 3rd August 2003. The respect and great affection for him was reflected by the very large turn out at his funeral.
The President's Chain has been revalued and is insured for £28,750 along with the Ladies medal for £335.
An alteration was made at the AGM on 9th April 2003 to the constitution "members who fail to acknowledge correspondence from the Directors during a period of two years will no longer receive communication from the Club Secretary other than notification of the Annual General Meeting of the Sandyford Burns Club."
A cheque for fifty pounds was sent to Bobath, a charity for children with cerebral palsy.
This years Summer Outing was by coach to Alloway and Kirkoswald on Sunday 22nd June 2003.
Eighty-three were present at our Soiree Evening in Pollokshields Burgh Hall held on Friday 10th October 2003.
The Club now owns 100 wine glasses which are kept in Mr Bill McAdam's house. The President Mrs Annette Wright, and three other Directors attended the wreath laying ceremony in George Square on Saturday 24th January 2004 at the statue of Robert Burns.
Synopsis of Secretary’s Report for AGM Sandyford Burns Club 2002-2003.
Wednesday 9th April 2003.
There have been seven Directors meetings during the year held in the City Halls.
One new director joined the Board - Mr Will D McAdam.
Membership at present date stands at 138 persons.
A cheque for £100.00 was received from the estate of Mrs Agnes B Wilson, in memory of her late father James Hay and her late husband Thomas Muir Wilson, both of whom were Past Presidents of the Club.
The Rededication of the Alexander Findlater headstone took place on Wednesday 5th June 2002 in the Linn Cemetery.
Synopsis of The Annual Report for 2001 - 2002
There have been seven Directors meetings during the year held in the Parish Halls.
Two new directors joined the Board Mr Jack Steele and Mr Ronnie Ross.
Rev Russell McLarty appointed as Hon Chaplain.
The membership at present date stands at 131 persons.
The President's Chain was updated and cleaned and ten Director's badges were purchased.
The President, Mr Ian Scott represented the Club at the annual wreath laying ceremony at the statue of Robert Burns in George Square on Saturday 26th January 2002.
Alexander Findlater headstone. A suitable plaque has been sourced and permission granted by the Linn Cemetery. The name and address of descendant of Mr Findlater has been obtained and it is the intention that he be invited to attend any ceremony connected with the stone . Name of recommended stone mason has ben given to the Secretary for cleaning of stone and fixing of plaque. This to be approved by Directors and costs obtained.