Birth Sign and Saltire


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The Ruling Element, Air
The Burns Week, Jan 23rd - 30th
Famous Personalities born on this Day
The Day of Destiny - Jan 25th

Burns was so anti-Superstition that I thought it would be fun to outline his Personology profile.
Personology A wholly unique approach to personality based upon the day of birth

DAY 25

Strengths - Talented and Interesting
Weaknesses - Self Defeating, Unstable.

WINTER, Quadrant Fourth,
Cusp Concepts, Prophecy,Mystery and Imagination, Sensitivity
Mottos, I Matter, I Universalise, I Believe
Dominant Faculty, Thought
Winter includes in its astrological signs, the fixed air sign Aquarius. This sign can be likened in human terms to the life of the individual at a later stage of life. This spiritual period of human development, evidences many of the same aspects of stillness, interiorization of experience and a quieting of instinctual demands that characterize nature's winter.
The fourth quadrant of The Grand Cycle of Life is governed by the facu1ty of thought and can be seen as a waxing period which manifests subjectively and has a conscious orientation. Although subjective, underground, interior activity has completely replaced outward growth in both nature and the human being, objective changes are on the way. In the case of humans, unsciousness may have become less concerned with the externals and more with the worlds of thought, religion, philosophy, spirituality and other universal concerns.
Astrologically, this is related to the fact that the sign Aquarius, is ruled by the heavenly body Uranus, which is a heavy, outer, planet. This body is big and far from the earth, taking approximately 84 years, to make its way around the zodiac.
The outlook of the adult at this time is more universal. Such concerns as competing in the marketplace, raising a family, reproducing, building a powerful exterior and striving to make a mark in the world of society are generally diminishing or even completely absent now. The elder must prepare psychologically for the coming of the end of a life cycle.
Generally speaking, wintertime people are more concerned with the larger picture. They can be dominant types who rule their space with assurance, but often also display a greater degree of flexibility, sensitivity, acceptance and spirituality than those born at other times of the year. Although those born in the winter are often quiet types, many manifest great excitement through their thoughts, ideals and work. They are particularly distinguished by an active imagination and fantasy life. The most successful of wintertime people can objectify these visions and perhaps make them a source of creativity rather than be victimized by them. The allegiance of wintertime people is not so much to society or to personal considerations as to the world of ideas.
Wintertime people are less concerned with the state of the world as it is now and more with how it could and should be. A real reforming spirit can show itself in this personality, and an interest in matters concerning political and economic justice is very common.

Air is the incorporeal, gaseous element. As such it has many related associations and meanings. Air has a very specific denotation in terms of the substance we breathe, with a chemical makeup of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen plus small amounts of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and inert gases. It can also have the larger and less specific meaning of the atmosphere which surrounds the earth. Air can refer to breath but also to wind (Nature's breath). When people give "air" to grievances, they voice them aloud in public, and so air has expressive and revealing connotations also. An air can be a tune, melody, dance or composition, which lends another lively and colorful side to this word. When we say that something is "in the air" or "up in the air" we mean that it is out and abroad or that it is not fixed or certain, in both cases not only uncertainty but also expectation is aroused. People who "walk on air" may be said to be happy. Although having an air of assurance may be complimentary, putting on "airs" is decidedly negative as well as being full of "hot air." The word "airy" can in fact both describe a mood or person that is lofty, light and breezy, or flaky and highly speculative (as in "building castles in the air")
As one of the four elements, air's nature fosters many of the above associations. Although it is highly stable in its purest form, it changes its composition with increasing altitude and also in closed spaces where it is used by plants and animals. Air could be said to be the most amicable and necessary of the elements on earth, mixing well with earth and water, and being essential for the existence of fire.
The air sign symbols water bearer, is more concept-oriented and less literal than, for example, earth-sign symbols. None of them has much to do with air itself per se but more with secondary meanings that suggest airiness or intellect.
The fixed air sign, Aquarius, is ruled by the powerful planet Uranus which is sometimes called "The Breaker". Uranus is capable of breaking apart the strongest of opponents, and Aquarius in like manner seeks to knock down barriers to understanding. Aquarius can be blindingly quick, and at times erratic, but also values life in a free-and-easy way. In its desire for objectivity and the value it places on scientific and universal truth, Aquarius looks forward to the new age and to the advancement of all mankind.
Air-sign people apprehend the world primarily through the thought mode. Ideas and concepts can be more real to them than tangibles. Therefore, following an ideal comes naturally to air-sign people. Because outlook and orientation are so important to them, they may trip over material barriers, but also fall into logical traps of their own making. Air-sign people are finely tuned to the world of the senses and thus can be easily irritated or upset by only minimally disturbing sounds, smells and tastes.
Although air-sign people may indeed display sanguine characteristics, they will take cheerfulness and optimism only so far. They also have a highly negative and critical side, which may manifest in irony or scathing sarcasm.
Although the majority of airsign people may not be out-and-out intellectuals, most do like figuring out puzzles, solving mysteries, playing word games, and generally putting their mental capacities to the test.
Air-sign people are quick on the uptake, but also quick to forget. They rarely harbor long-standing grudges or hang on to outworn relationships, particularly in the realm of love. Often they are accused of having emotions which do not go very deep, or of being butterflies who flit from one blossom to the next. Whether or not such charges are true, most air-sign people do enjoy having fun in a natural and unselfconscious manner. Generally more passionate than sensual, air-sign people believe that touching is an intimate act, and find displays of claiming emotionality or sentimentality hard to handle. However, their somewhat cool or detached exterior may belie turbulent feelings below.

Aquarius Body Areas, Lower legs and ankles, circulatory system
Aquarius Plants, Dandelions; resins: frankincense, myrrh
Aquarius Trees, January 22 - February 18, Rowan or mountain ash
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and along with Capricorn and Pisces increasingly universal in orientation. It is the third and last air sign, and is ruled by the explosive planet Uranus. Aquarius symbolizes advanced thought, which takes us out of our physical state and allows us to view the infinite in all things. Aquarius also represents acceptance of all points of view, and shows the universal wisdom inherent in thoughts and actions.
The Water Bearer brings clear truth and eternal wisdom of which we may all partake. It's ruler, the planet Uranus, is erratic in its motions and is powerful enough to break down any resistance. Its energies must be tamed and guided in the proper direction without dulling their impact. Aquarius teaches the values of science and extrasensory powers.
The Aquarius personality can be characterized by increasing detachment from earthly life as well as a childlike, somewhat fanciful (but wise) attitude. The highly accepting orientation of the Aquarian transcends material restrictions or limitations. However, the rulership of Uranus lends an unpredictability, eccentricity and erratic quality to the Aquarius personality. Those born under this sign often have a reputation for all sorts of idiosyncratic behavior. Trying to outguess an Aquarian may prove to be an impossible task. Also trying to regulate their behavior by tying them to repetitive jobs which require consistency generally does not work either. Aquarians should be given as much latitude as possible to exercise their imaginative powers and placed under as few restrictions as possible.
Joy is essential to the Aquarius personality. Often Aquarians are baffled and bewildered by rejection, since they approach life with a basically open attitude. They can be far more accepting than others, and consequently assume that others will accept them as well, which is often not the case. Furthermore, they like things to go easily. A wish for happiness and understanding pervades everything they do, but if confronted with conflict or stressful demands they can fly off the handle, go on the attack with lightning speed or simply choose to disappear.
Aquarians are promoters of high ideals, valuing scientific and universal truths highly. They strive to maintain objectivity and for this reason are sometimes accused of coolness or lack of emotion. Because they can skate with ease across the surface of life, sizing up situations and reacting speedily, some find Aquarians too superficial in their approach.
Paradoxically, Aquarians are often irresistibly attracted to those profound, darker aspects of others that seem to figure less prominently in their own personality.
The Aquarius 1 period takes Genius as its central image. According to The Grand Cycle of Life, this period can be symbolically likened to the years when a person has a more universal understanding of nature, time and humanity. Having to impress others, struggling to accumulate money, striving for success, shouldering family responsibilities. Time can be spent reading and thinking, and perhaps considering philosophical matters or areas of social or international concern. Ideally, wisdom has crystallized by this time, for the outlook of a person this age is now somewhat fixed.
Aquarius 1 people are often precocious. As children, those born in this period can be distinguished by the quickness of their perceptions and learning processes although, of course, their relative intelligence can vary just as those born at any time of the year
The other side is that Aquarius I's bore easily, losing interest if unable to grasp a concept or make something work quickly, they are generally unsuited for repetitive tasks that demand an unerring concentration or endeavors that require stubborn determination. Patience is not their strongest suit by any means.
Difficulties may also arise for Aquarius I's if they become objects of jealousy or adulation, emotions those born in this period often inspire through their insistence on living their own life and being themselves. In fact, when their unusual character traits, lifestyle or habits repeatedly attract notice, Aquarius I's tend to grow tired of the attention, Indeed, outside of those they care for deeply, most born in this period are not built to deal with the complex emotional needs and demands of others.
Robert Burns (Scottish poet and songwriter)
Virginia Woolf (British novelist, To the Lighthouse, suicide by drowning)
W. Somerset Maugham (British short-story writer, playwright, novelist, The Razor's Edge)
Corazon Aquino (Philippine president, unseated Marcos)
Antonio Carlos Jobim (Brazilian bossa nova king, songwriter, guitarist, pianist, arranger, singer)
Benedict Arnold (American Revolutionary War general, first hero then traitor, escaped to live in exile)
Etta James (R&B singer)
Edward Shevardnadze (USSR foreign minister, resigned, Georgian president)
Wilhelm Furtwangler (German conductor, Berlin Philharmonic)
Maud Wood Park (suffragist, first president of League of Women Voters)
Robert Boyle (British chemist, physicist, formulated gas law)
Jacqueline Du Prez (British cellist, tragic early death from MS) Youssef Chahaine (Egyptian film director, Alexandria...Why?)
Paul-Henri Spaak (Belgian NATO secretary general)
Mildred Dunnock (stage, film actress)Mildred Dunnock (stage, film actress)
Lou "The Toe" Groza (football tackle, place-kicker, 6x All-Pro)
Edward E. David, Jr (computer scientist, presidential advisor)
John Calder (British publisher critic)
Vido Musso (jazz saxophonist, clarinetist, bandleader)
Edwin Newman (TV journalist)


Those born on January 25 are apt to lead difficult but interesting and rewarding lives. Often their personal fortune rises or falls with that of their society and times. Those born on this day who wish to remain stable through periods of social turmoil must cultivate great willpower. But too often the nervous system of a January 25 person is not up to the challenge. It is important that they never allow for a victimized mentality but remain dynamic and active.
Not infrequently January 25 people's problems are at their root self-induced. Because of the demands of the dark side of their personality, finding balance and peace within themselves as well as suitable creative outlets for their energies are important goals to strive for. If they can learn to roll with the punches, to not only keep afloat during the worst of storms but also to stay on course, they may achieve great success.
January 25 people often have high ideals and strong beliefs which are repeatedly tested. It is not at all unusual for the less highly evolved of this day to succumb to temptation and forsake what they have worked so hard for. The trials and tribulations that all January 25 people undergo are deeply effective in building character, if those born on this day are able to weather life's buffets with their heart and soul intact. Being born on this day seems to involve a personal kind of survival-of-the-fittest struggle, in which evolutionary theories are revisited on a personal level, and effected in a single lifetime.
Many January 25 people are blessed with great talents, and some may well be considered of genius caliber.
Yet for most this does not help them much on a personal level. Their interpersonal relationships are often in upheaval as well as their careers and social life. Certain highly evolved January 25 people rise above all personal and social considerations, however and make a stab at the universal. But without the struggles life offers them, their achievements would be less meaningful.
A central theme here is of course fate vs. free will. Should those born on this day try to take hold of their destinies, or give in and accept what is offered them? The answer may never be clear, but generally speaking a balance must be maintained between acceptance of what comes along and efforts to influence circumstances for the better. By carefully observing signs, signals, warnings, as well as hopeful indications, they may remain alert and poised for those opportunities which arise. Patience and discipline are the key.


Those born on the 25th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 (2+5=7), and by the watery planet Neptune, which rules mystical and religious states. The connection between Neptune and Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) can bring enormous change and instability into the lives of January 25 people, for what is not dissolved by Neptune is sure to be exploded or smashed by Uranus. Those ruled by the Number 7 traditionally like change and travel but must be cautious, as the number 25 is often associated with danger.


The 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which shows a triumphant figure moving through the world, manifesting his physical presence in a dynamic way. The card may be interpreted to mean that no matter how narrow or precarious the correct path, one must continue on. The good side of this card posits success, talent and efficiency, the bad side suggests a dictatorial attitude and a poor sense of direction.


Those born on January 25 must beware of accidents, particularly when they find themselves in unstable situations. Furthermore, they can easily become discouraged and fall into states of depression when they see things going against them. It is very important to their health that they keep a positive attitude toward themselves and their surroundings. Problems with the circulatory system may arise particularly as they grow older. Probably the best ways to combat these difficulties is to remain mentally active throughout life, but also to minimize cardiovascular damage through dietary controlls and elimination of toxic substances such as nicotine. Remaining physically active is also crucial and vigorous exercise is recommended. Care must be taken with animal fat, dairy and overconsumption of protein in the diet. Positive life expressions of a sensual and sexual nature are also encouraged.

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